Helping Others

Barry Carter

One of our human needs is that of helping others. Helping others has not been an integral part of our daily work lives during an Industrial Age. Our business and work system of the Industrial Age has been more about competition and winning at other’s expense or plainly stated hurting others. Since helping others is a human need, we have had to separate it and have it met separate from our work. We live in a bureaucracy centered world where we have had to look to specialized and controlled bureaucracies, such as charities and non-profit agencies, to handle our need for help others.

We work in win/lose competitive environments attempting to hurt others through competition and then give part of the income to a charity to meet our need for helping others. In fact in virtually every large company nationwide there is tremendous pressure put on employees to contribute to United Way and the like. Some companies require employees who don’t give to meet with management and explain why—power corrupts.

In mass privatization helping others is an integral part of one’s daily life and work. Each person is able to custom-tailor his work to fit her beliefs, values and passions. People work and help others where their passion lie. With Decentralized Wealth Creation helping others is no longer something we do separately primarily through charities, or through our redistributed “non-caring” taxes. It is not something that we do as a sideline or as volunteers, while deriving our income and spending our work time and the majority of our productive lives in win/lose controlling organizations, for which we care little.

One problem with volunteer and charity organizations is that they are “lose/win.” Individuals must lose to help others win–they must give away money and time that are already in short supply.

  1. People simply cannot afford to give “enough” time to something that does not produce income for them. People will argue this point however, why no shift to a system where helping others is built into one’s daily work. With centralized wealth creation though we care and would like to do more we cannot because of finite time and resources.
  2. Second charities (as bureaucracies) create a finite wealth reality through a limited budgeting system as explained under Non-Profit Organizations Produce Gridlock.
  3. Third charities (as bureaucracies) lack the power of being able to give ones full attention to something because they lack the driving force of consideration. In other words since people are not getting paid there is limited time they can spend on volunteer work. We do after all have to feed and provide the best we can for our families.

In Decentralized Wealth Creation, since the mission of Mass Privatization communities is to help people, charities and non-profit organizations are not the primary means by which we help others in the Information Age. We will be helping others through our work. Perhaps at some point charities will not even exist. With mass privatization and mass synocracy helping others and producing income for ourselves, two things which have been separate and diametrically opposed, have been synthesized into one undivided whole in.

Copyright 2002 by Barry Carter

About Barry Carter.   Infinite Wealth is available at the author’s website, and can be purchased in bookstores everywhere including Amazon and Barnes & Nobel. There is also an abbreviated free online version, which has been reposed at Future Positive:

See: 1) The Rise of a Win Win Civilization  2)  A Personal Journey of Discovery 3) Why Corporations Don’t Work 4) The Emancipation of Capitalism  5) Mass Privatization: Organizing in the Information Age  6) Decentralized Wealth Creation  7) The Infinite Wealth Potential of Liberated Humans 8) The Mandate for Win-Win Wealth Creation  9) Breakpoint: Why You Must Act Now  10) SYNOCRACY: True Democracy Through Synergy 11) THE SHIFT: Awaking to a Win-Win World  12) The Synthesis of a Win-Win World and 13)Vision for a Synergic Transition.

Reason Wilken’s Review of Infinite Wealth

Advanced Papers of Barry Carter