Five-Fold Path towards a Robust Economy

Ways to strengthen local, community, state, national or regional economies

by Win Wenger, Ph.D.

I hereby suggest five ways in which a local, community, state, national or regional economy can be readily moved toward a stably robust condition.

  • Each of these five diverse ways makes stronger use of immediate local resources.
  • Each of these five diverse ways is a self-reliant way of moving ahead without waiting upon external help or developments. Meaning, among other things, that no help is required from IMF, the USA, or other international power or institution before desired results can be brought about.
  • Each of these five diverse ways can be actualized directly from local resources and through local people.

In economic hard times, nearly everyone suffers at least somewhat while waiting for someone else to do something that will make things work right again. Withheld products and services result in less wealth, less means with which to seek to find means of recovery. Many factors contribute, but it usually takes far longer than it should for economic arrangements to re-work in ways which enable people and resources generally to get productive again.

If we look at the most basic issue and principles, the problem becomes obvious and its solution apparently simple. Once we look at that simple point, then I will propose five different ways for restarting and augmenting the productive use and flow of people and resources characteristic of a stable economy at its most robust.

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