William Shanley If lately it seems our nation has lost its way with government policies of global hegemony and avarice, it’s important to remember that 230 years ago a community […]
Continue readingCategory: CommUnity of Minds
We each view reality from our own unique perspective, only a community of minds can show us the truth.
Co-Operative Power trumps Coercive Power
Sean Gonsalves There are several mealy-mouthed, bumper-sticker phrases being used in political debate to which we turn our focus this week – ”cut and run” and its linguistic cousin, ”in […]
Continue readingThe Great Turning
Reposted from www.DavidKorten.org. This is an overview of The Great Turning: From Empire to Earth Community by the author. David Korten By what name will future generations know our time? Will […]
Continue readingThe Ideal School
Win Wenger is a good human. He is always seeking to help his fellow humans solve their problems. The following article was first written in 2004, and then revised in […]
Continue readingNot Enough Fish in the Sea
George Monbiot The more it is tested, the more compelling the hypothesis becomes. Dyslexia, ADHD, dyspraxia and other neurological problems seem to be associated with a deficiency of Omega 3 […]
Continue readingWe Earth Neurons
Daniel Dennett writes: In just one species, our species, a new trick evolved: language. It has provided us a broad highway of knowledge-sharing, on every topic. Conversation unites us, in […]
Continue readingWho are the New Urbanists?
James Howard Kunstler The New Urbanists met for their annual confab in Providence over the weekend and I was there among them, as I have been for thirteen years, because […]
Continue readingTechnotopia & the Death of Nature
This morning, I repost another article from KurzweilAI.net. There is something missing from the discussion of the technological singularity, says James Bell: the true cost of progress will mean the […]
Continue readingPreparing for the Postcarbon Age
Reposted from GrannyD.com. Doris “Granny D” Haddock What must it be like, do you suppose, to be a fireman rushing though a burning building, coming across a wealthy gentleman in […]
Continue readingAn Inconvenient Truth
Roger Ebert I want to write this review so every reader will begin it and finish it. I am a liberal, but I do not intend this as a review […]
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