This is an excerpt from an amazing book titled The Ascent of Humanity. Is it possible to be an optimistic realist? The author makes an impressive case for the affirmative. […]
Continue readingCategory: CommUnity of Minds
We each view reality from our own unique perspective, only a community of minds can show us the truth.
SynEARTH Moves to WordPress
Timothy Wilken You may have noticed that the appearance of our website has changed. In the ten years that the SynEARTH Network has been online we have posted over 7500 […]
Continue readingDefinancialization, Deglobalizaton, and Relocalization
Dimitry Orlov The title of this talk is a bit of a mouthful, but what I want to say can be summed up in simpler words: we all have to […]
Continue readingBLACKOUT
Frank Kaminski Energy Bulletin Richard Heinberg’s new book Blackout tries to demolish current assumptions about the world’s remaining coal endowment: namely, that it is immense beyond belief, barely tapped and […]
Continue readingMoney and the Turning of the Age
I am much impressed with the writings of Charles Eisenstein. He has written a very informative series on Money. Enjoy! This is reposted from The Reality Sandwich. Charles Eisenstein As […]
Continue readingToward a 21st Century Evolutionary Ethics
Dr. Peter Corning proposes a new political-economic system for humanity. Peter Corning, Ph.D. I would like to propose four basic propositions (core assumptions) that, I believe, are vitally important for […]
Continue readingThe Real Perils of Human Population Growth
We humans operate at the lower levels of human intelligence and knowing. This means we make most of the decisions of our lives without awareness of the CONSEQUENCES of our […]
Continue readingA Fiscal Solution for California?
Good morning. I am sorry that my posting has been so light lately. I am currently working on a new project which is devouring a lot of my free time. […]
Continue readingWhy Money Does Not Work
My regular readers know that I believe it is time for change. I think our present Political-Economic system is obsolete, and clearly not working. Today I would like to share […]
Continue readingDeclaration of INTERdependence Revisited
Timothy Wilken In America this weekend, we are again celebrating our Independence. Of course this so called “independence” is a complete falsehood. We Americans depend on the entire planet to […]
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