Economist Wayne Perg writes: “Human evolution is reaching a breakpoint as the rate of change accelerates to the point that machine-model organizations with their static processes are becoming nonviable. A […]
Continue readingCategory: CommUnity of Minds
We each view reality from our own unique perspective, only a community of minds can show us the truth.
A Biological Model for Business and Finance in an Evolving World
Wayne F. Perg, Ph.D. Introduction to an evolving world: The human world has always been evolving. What is different is the speed, and the acceleration, of the change that is […]
Continue readingTruth, Love & Synergy – A Choice
Timothy Wilken David C. Korten writes: “The following thought experiment frames the problem before us and the essential needs a planetary system of living economies must address. “Six billion people […]
Continue readingLiving Economies for a Living Planet
David C. Korten’s LIVING ECONOMIES FOR A LIVING PLANET Having reached the limits of an Era of Empire humanity is now compelled to make a conscious collective choice to live […]
Continue readingThe Cornucopia of the Commons
David Bollier A few years ago, the newspapers of New York City were ablaze with a controversy about dozens of plots of derelict land that had been slowly turned into […]
Continue readingNew Contributing Editor
By Arthur Noll Hello everyone. My name is Arthur Noll. Timothy Wilken invited me to join him here as a contributing editor. We have been corresponding the last couple of […]
Continue readingMoney Versus Wealth
In an interesting article published in 1997, author David Korten writes: What is this madness? The economy is booming. The stock market is setting new records. The US is again […]
Continue readingSustainable Food Production – Developing the Principles
Arthur Noll There are several related principles of sustainable food production, but probably the most central, is not to use resources faster than they renew. A common example I’ve used […]
Continue readingFarmers of 40 Centuries
book review by Arthur Noll The Lessons of Forty Centuries of Agriculture in China, Korea, and Japan “Farmers of 40 Centuries” is an interesting book. I think the tremendous focus […]
Continue readingResponses to “Politics and Big Business”
L.W. Nicholson I received some interesting comments in response to my little article, “Politics and Big Business“. Jacqueline — “Well written … and that was GOOD about if the entire ocean were oil […]
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