Arthur Noll Once again, I must disagree with Dee Hock. However, I also agree with him on something, as we will get to later in this article. But I want […]
Continue readingCategory: CommUnity of Minds
We each view reality from our own unique perspective, only a community of minds can show us the truth.
Responses to Understanding the Industrial Age
Steven Van Smith writes in response to Dee Hock’s Understanding the Industrial Age: “I agree with Hock’s assessment of reductionist and mechanistic thought. Cartesian duality has made ethics, and philosophy problematic. […]
Continue readingCommunity Requires Shared Values
Timothy Wilken Responses Reader Steven Van Smith writes in response to Trust and True Community: “With reference to Arthur Noll’s comments on tolerance, I find that tolerance is the unconditional […]
Continue readingLeader-Follower
by Dee Hock Leader presumes follower. Follower presumes choice. One who is coerced to the purposes, objectives, or preferences of another is not a follower in any true sense of […]
Continue readingTrust and True Community
Arthur Noll In his essay Community Values, Dee Hock wrote: “In a true community, unity of the singular “one” and the plural “one” extends beyond people and things. It applies as […]
Continue readingUnderstanding the Industrial Age
Dee Hock I have long puzzled where mechanistic organizational concepts so wasteful of the human spirit and destructive of the biosphere originated, and why we are so blind to their […]
Continue readingTerrorism must be defeated by a new social order
My Opinion Bill Ellis September 11 marks the end of the nation-state and the beginning of a fully globalized world. As we all move through the rubble of WTC and […]
Continue readingReason Reviews: Ishmael by Daniel Quinn
A Gorilla’s Version of The Meaning of Life (And Why We Should Listen) a review by Reason Wilken Imagine this scene: A man is sitting in the dimly lit office […]
Continue readingReason Reviews: Infinite Wealth by Barry Carter
by Reason Wilken In Barry Carter’s recent book entitled “Infinite Wealth”, a unique model for wealth creation is presented. Carter challenges current capitalistic ideals and offers up a more positive […]
Continue readingSave the Amazon Rain Forest
Win Wenger writes: “It’s very expensive to try to override what people are doing for their own reasons. Five percent or more of the Amazonian rainforest, part of our Earth’s […]
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