M. A. Muqtedar Khan What happened on September 11th in New York and Washington DC will forever remain a horrible scar on the history of Islam and humanity. No matter […]
Continue readingCategory: CommUnity of Minds
We each view reality from our own unique perspective, only a community of minds can show us the truth.
The Answer is Working Together
Johnius Ecstaticus Related to this idea is another idea gaining in popularity: the Golden Thread. The idea is that all religions have at their core, a center of love, joy […]
Continue readingA Religious View of Giving and Receiving
World Scripture Anthology When we give to one another, freely and without conditions, sharing our blessings with others and bearing each other’s burdens, the giving multiplies and we receive far more […]
Continue readingGiving Is Receiving
Marrinel Harriman I learned about giving in the slow human way. Because my mother was a skilled seamstress, I was a well dressed child. It may have been guilt or […]
Continue readingReciprocity
a book review by Bill Ellis “THE FABLE OF L’HOMO ECONOMICUS is destroyed by Dominique Temple and Mireille Chabal in: La RÈciprocitÈ et La Naissance des Valeurs Humaines (…ditions L’Harmattan, […]
Continue readingTime to Move On…
The following was posted at the Alas Babylon Yahoo Group… Adam Whaley from Wales wrote: It really got to me today, not the anthrax; not the bombing; not the political lies and […]
Continue readingStewart Brand Interview
FRONTLINE “Generosity means on the net the nature of how it’s grown over 25 years is, is basically a gift economy. It hasn’t been an economy with money changing hands […]
Continue readingInternet Currencies for Virtual Communities
Bernard Lietaer Virtual communities today are ‘communities’ because social bonds have sprouted up around a ‘gift economy’ of open information exchange. Even the word ‘community’ itself (deriving from the Latin […]
Continue readingThe Internet and the Future of Money
Howard Rheingold The Internet might be more than a new kind of marketplace and a new medium for exchanging money as we know it. If Bernard Lietaer and others are […]
Continue readingReason Reviews: The Man Who Grew Young by Daniel Quinn
Words by Daniel Quinn and Illustrations by Tim Eldred Deja Vu: Humanity in Reverse by Reason Wilken At some point in our lives, most of us have wished that we could do […]
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