This cautionary tale is reposted from The Automatic Earth. Ilargi The case of Iceland and its financial shenanigans is, if nothing else, intriguing and amusing. Not for some of the […]
Continue readingCategory: CommUnity of Minds
We each view reality from our own unique perspective, only a community of minds can show us the truth.
Forecast 2010
Most of the people that I talk with, tell me that they are glad 2009 is over. They are guardedly hopeful that 2010 will be better. If you want good […]
Continue readingDiscovering Your Unique Self
Timothy Wilken I continue to study the teachings of Marc Gafni. These teachings are available in his two books: SoulPrints and The Mystery of Love, but what were of most […]
Continue readingA Really Rotten Health Insurance Bill
Bill Moyers has worked at the highest levels of our federal government, and he has been an observer of Politics and Political Power all of his adult life. … He […]
Continue readingEvolutionary Enlightenment
Timothy Wilken I would like to recommend a very interesting telecourse on what is called Evolutionary Enlightenment by Craig Hamilton. Craig was/is a long time associate of Andrew Cohen. He […]
Continue readingReaching for the World that “Ought to Be”
Barack H. Obama delivered his Nobel Lecture on 10 December 2009 at the Oslo City Hall, Norway. He was introduced by Thorbjørn Jagland, Chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee. The […]
Continue readingWill Aliens save us from Peak Oil?
Dmitry Orlov writes: Perhaps you have heard of the Peak Oil theory? Most people have by now, even the people whose job used to involve denying the possibility that global […]
Continue readingInstant Gratification
The Automatic Earth—Ilarqi writes: The desire for instant gratification has apparently pervaded all aspects of the times we live in, including the collapse of our economies. Once you tell people […]
Continue readingRituals for Lover Earth
It was my privilege to attend a September Retreat with today’s author. I found his ideas both enlightening and inspiring. The following is his most recent essay. Reposted from Reality […]
Continue readingDreams Die Hard
This morning’s author considers why we Americans are having such a difficult time with accepting and adapting to our new reality. James Howard Kunstler In The Long Emergency (2005, Atlantic […]
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