A Season for Nonviolence: 64 Ways in 64 Days

These principles for non-violence were adopted for the first “Season for Non-violence” in 1998. They were inspired by the works of Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King. You may like to print out a copy for yourself, and experience your own season for nonviolence.

Daily Commitments to Live By

1—Today, I will reflect on what peace means to me.

2—Today, I will look at opportunities to be a peacemaker.

3—Today, I will practice non-violence and respect for Mother Earth by making good use of her resources.

4—Today, I will take time to admire and appreciate nature.

5—Today, I will plant seeds–plants or constructive ideas.

6—Today, I will hold a vision of plenty for all the world’s hungry and be open to guidance as to how I can help alleviate some of that hunger.

7—Today, I will acknowledge every human being’s fundamental right to justice, equity, and equality.

8—Today, I will appreciate the earth’s bounty and all of those who work to make my food available (i.e., grower, trucker, grocery clerk, cook, waitress, etc.)

9—Today, I will work to understand and respect another culture.

10—Today, I will oppose injustice, not people.

11—Today, I will look beyond stereotypes and prejudices.

12—Today, I will choose to be aware of what I talk about and I will refuse to gossip.

13—Today, I will live in the present moment and release the past.

14—Today, I will silently acknowledge all the leaders throughout the world.

15—Today, I will speak with kindness, respect, and patience to every person that I talk with on the telephone.

16—Today, I will affirm my value and worth with positive “self talk” and refuse to put myself down.

17—Today, I will tell the truth and speak honestly from the heart.

18—Today, I will cause a ripple effect of good by an act of kindness toward another.

19—Today, I will choose to use my talents to serve others by volunteering a portion of my time.

20—Today, I will say a blessing for greater understanding whenever I see evidence of crime, vandalism, or graffiti.

21—Today, I will say “No” to ideas or actions that violate me or others.

22—Today, I will turn off anything that portrays or supports violence whether on television, in the movies, or on the Internet.

23—Today, I will greet this day–everyone and everything–with openness and acceptance as if I were encountering them for the first time.

24—Today, I will drive with tolerance and patience.

25—Today, I will constructively channel my anger, frustration, or jealousy into healthy physical activities (i.e., doing sit-ups, picking up trash, taking a walk, etc).

26—Today, I will take time to appreciate the people who provide me with challenges in my life, especially those who make me angry or frustrated.

27—Today, I will talk less and listen more.

28—Today, I will notice the peacefulness in the world around me.

29—Today, I will recognize that my actions directly affect others.

30—Today, I will take time to tell a family member or friend how much they mean to me.

31—Today, I will acknowledge and thank someone for acting kindly.

32—Today, I will send a kind, anonymous message to someone.

33—Today, I will identify something special in everyone I meet.

34—Today, I will discuss ideas about nonviolence with a friend to gain new perspectives.

35—Today, I will practice praise rather than criticism.

36—Today, I will strive to learn from my mistakes.

37—Today, I will tell at least one person they are special and important.

38—Today, I will hold children tenderly in thought and/or action.

39—Today, I will listen without defending and speak without judgment.

40—Today, I will help someone in trouble.

41—Today, I will listen with an open heart to at least one person.

42—Today, I will treat the elderly I encounter with respect and dignity.

43—Today, I will treat the children I encounter with respect and care, knowing that I serve as a model to them.

44—Today, I will see my so-workers in a new light–with understanding and compassion.

45—Today, I will be open to other ways of thinking and acting that are different from my own.

46—Today, I will think of at least three alternate ways I can handle a situation when confronted with conflict.

47—Today, I will work to help others resolve differences.

48—Today, I will express my feeling honestly and non-violently with respect for myself and others.

49—Today, I will sit down with my family for one meal.

50—Today, I will set an example of a peacemaker by promoting non-violent responses.

51—Today, I will use no violent language.

52—Today, I will pause for reflection.

53—Today, I will hold no one hostage to the past, seeing each-as I see myself-as a work in process.

54—Today, I will make a conscious effort to smile at someone whom I have held a grudge against in the past.

55—Today, I will practice compassion and forgiveness by apologizing to someone whom I have hurt in the past.

56—Today, I will reflect on whom I need to forgive and take at least one step in that direction.

57—Today, I will forgive myself.

58—Today, I will embrace the spiritual belief of my heart in my own personal and reflective way.

59—Today, I will enlarge my capacity to embrace differences and appreciate the value of every human being.

60—Today, I will be compassionate in my thoughts, words, and actions.

61—Today, I will cultivate my moral strength and courage through education and creative non-violent action.

62—Today, I will practice compassion and forgiveness for myself and others.

63—Today, I will use my talents to serve others as well as myself.

64—Today, I will serve humanity by dedicating myself to a vision greater than myself.

Reposted from World Good News.