Terrorism must be defeated by a new social order

My Opinion

Bill Ellis

September 11 marks the end of the nation-state and the beginning of a fully globalized world.  As we all move through the rubble of WTC and the Pentagon, mourn for the lost lives, and celebrate the heroes, we are also celebrating the beginning of a radically different World.

Globalization has been slowly creeping up on us for a few decades.  The corporate world was the first to globalize.  Left alone in this new mode it developed an arrogance that eclipsed governance by the nation-state.  But a globalized civil society emerged to question corporate globalization.

Unfortunately the voices of the protesters were muffled. The globalized corporate world was too dominant. So in parallel with this rise of a corporate globalization has been the festering hate of many left without voice in this new world.  Global terrorism rose to become the final arbiter of a new globalized society.

September 11 was the wake up call. But not for a military force that would forever bridle terrorism and human rights.  It was the wake up call for serious attention to the rise of a globalized civil society.  The rules of an industrial society have been shattered.  No longer will humanity rise to the allure of the corporate industrial society.  Materialism, consumerism money, and jobs can no longer be the central motivation of all people.  Our schools can not longer prepare future citizens for a life or lifelong workday existence.

The call of September 11 is for a new globalism of the minds and hearts of all people.  We cannot have a world in which we live in fear and loathing. This new world will not result from routing out the existing terrorists, from surrendering human rights, from policing airports,  from eliminating the sale of weapons, or from a few scattered teach-ins in colleges, universities and high schools.

This is a time to recognize that we already live in a globalized world.  It is time for humanity to rise to the challenge.  It is time to put aside our isolationism and materialism and embrace the new age suddenly thrust upon us.  Tolerance, respect, understanding, and most of all knowledge must replace our love of material well-being. Our minds and hearts must find new dedication to family, community, the common good, and the harmony of nature.

Terrorism must be defeated by a new social order. A Civil Globalization of human harmony must replace the world that ended September 11.

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