no obligation to accept the offer. Synergic exchange is fully voluntary. The giftor makes
offers of help when and to whom he chooses. The giftee accepts offers of help when and
from whom they choose.
If I gift the useof a tool for a weekend, I may do so with the condition that it be returned in
and in good condition. Conditions of gifting is both intelligent and synergic.
to describe the offered gift accurately. A television repairman might like the gift of an old
TV, that he will repair and use or gift to someone else.
on the number of gift offers accepted, it is of great importance to have a good relationship
with the giftee. That means your discriptions of an offered gift needs to be very accurate.
No one will be criticized for gifting junk as long as they describe it accurately as junk.
Those seeking junk will be happy. Remember one man’s junk is another man’s treasure.
Your ranking on thehelp offer lists
is determined in part by your ratio of giving-
receiving. Everytime your offers of help are accepted your ration goes up. Those who
give the most to others will be the most honored members in the community of the Gift
Tensegrity. So you will want to give as much as you can. Likewise every time you accept
a gift offering from others your ratio goes down. So you will want to accept others gifts
carefully and only when you truly value them.
is your
mean. This the average score for comments made about you during help exchanges. Every
encounter will be rated. +10
for it couldn’t have been any better to -10
if couldn’t have
been any worse. To be successful in the gift tensegity you need to give and interact in a
positive way with other members. This means you want to accurately describe your
offered gifts and make sure those accepting your gifts get what they expect from your
descriptions. You also want to be courteous and friendly in your encounters.
want to repair that encounter as quickly as possible so that that exchange partner will
modify or withdraw their low comment.
to be willing to take it back at my expense if the giftee paid for shipping. Or pay for
disposal and give up my credit for the gift. Remember, every exchange effects ratio of
giving-receiving for both the giftor and giftee.
Knowingis one of the most global of gifts. With the internet and modern communication
devices, I can help people all over the world.
will usually need to be
local, occasionally regional, and rarely global.
and especially use of levers
will usually be
local. However, it may make sense to
gift a major appliance or automobile regionally. And rarely, smaller lighter items might
be shipped globally especially if they are unusual one of a kind.
One major advantage of the Gift Tensegrityis that it resurrects Dead Wealth. Dead Wealth
is that wealth within the human community that is not being used to help self or others.
Dead Wealth is found in all three forms — Knowing, Action and Levers.
— Almost all of us have significant expertise
in some areas. Some knowledge
how to solve problems that we have encountered in our lifes. However, in our present
world we trade the hours of our lives to others for just enough money to earn our livings.
Our employers don’t want our expertise and knowledge unless it applys to the limited
task they hired us to perform. Yet in the larger context of community our unwanted
expertise and knowledge could help others. The Gift Tensegrity gives us an outlet for
sharing that expertise and knowledge.
consultations, couseling, analysis and real time problem solving, or it may be available in
the form of knowing and levers such as reports, books, video or audio tapes, artwork,
photos, computer files, etc., etc., etc..
— We all have some hours in our lives that could be available to help others. The
Gift Tensegrity gives me an outlet for all of those other skills and abilities that I am not
currently trading to some employer for money. Some of us can do home and automobile
repair, handyman work, cleaning, cooking, sewing, child and elder care, teaching, etc.,
etc., etc..
with our own when we are out running around anyway. The Gift Tensegrity allows you to
quickly find out how you can turn those wasted hours into help for others.
we have in boxes in our
garages, attics, and closets. Used tools, appliances, furniture, clothing, furnishings —
things we never use but are too good to throw away. Now they can be easily liberated by
simply describing them acturately and gifting them away. Or how about just gifting away
the use of some those great tools you only use one day a week or one day a month.
Because so much of our need for help is a need for local help. I see the need to establish
Neighborhood Gift Tensegrities. This is where you will get help with household repair,
automotive service, child and elder care, transportation, etc., etc., etc..
use of their home computer and DSL line to run a neighborhood Gift Tensegrity
Database. Then anyone in the neighborhood could use a computer with dialup
connection to the internet to connect to the local Gift Tensegrity and enter into synergic
help exchange.
servers which in turn would like to Global Servers. This would lead to a disseminated
system with high level of redundancy.
The Gift Tensegrity is a synergic help exchange. And as INTERdependent form or life, we
all need help. As a synergic help exchange that means that the relations between the
that make me more productive, more effective, and more happy. When I need help, this is
where I will look first.
simple an alternative to the fair market. I will begin to meet some of my needs at the Gift
Tensegrity. As I begin gifting and finding that some of my needs are met this way. I will
have less need to sell the hours of my life for money to use in the fair market.
to 30 hours. This is how the transition will occur.
The Gift Tensegrity can be enormously important to those individuals finding themselves
out of work. When there is no market for the hours of your life. There is still no shortage of
people who need your help. The Gift Tensegrity acts as an immediate outlet for those with
help to Gift, but no market for their help to Sell.
for losing their jobs. In this society, that is all of us.
TeamNets are groups of individual humans that form themselves into Teams for the
purpose of performing a larger and more complex task than they can perform as
individuals. These individuals co-Operate through a network based on synergic
relationships and synergic compensation mechanisms to accomplish those larger and
more complex tasks. Barry Carter has written extensively about this concept in his book
Infinite Wealth. And, I have developed a mechanism for organizing Synergic Production
Teams called the Organizational Tensegrity
which is available elsewhere.
They may be able to attract the help they need thought the free synergic gift exchange, or
they can attract help, by inviting others to join their team for Synergic Revenue Shares if
the project produces revenue (How this is done is explained in the Organizational
Tensegrity documents.)
away from trade-oriented or materialistic sort of exchange.
barter (no tit for tat), and there is no medium of exchange! For me, it is the
road to a post-monetary, post-barter economy.
cannot be done in the absence of the other. It is this "tying together" that is
the ultimate source of "dead resources" and unemployment.
will, as it is implemented, bring all resources to life and eliminate
information on the SEPARATE giving and receiving actions of all members of
the Tensegrity. Because there is no trading, only gifts given with no
requirment of payment, there are no market prices and no accounting of
trades. What there is is an open exchange of information on needs and
resources available to fill those needs and ongoing individual negotiations
around actions that will meet those needs.
organism to human society. As Elizabet Sahtouris has pointed out, the heart
does not hold an auction for the supply of oxygenated blood and it does not
withhold blood from those organs who are currently unable to pay.
then eventually replacing our present exchange economy that relies on money
and barter to facilitate exchange.
money systems and barter tie giving and receiving together into formal
exchange transactions. It is this tying together of giving and receiving that
creates "landlocked" resources and unemployment.
recorded giving and receiving within families, groups and communities within
which all participants are known to each other and within which trust is well
established. In fact, I see the operation of the Gift Tensegrity increasing the
number and size of the groups within which informal, undocumented giving
and receiving is the norm.
commitment to giving in advance. As a giver, I have access to information on
the needs of those who are seeking what I have to give, but potential receivers
of my gifts have no access to me as a giver until I offer my gift to that person,
organization, or community to which I decide that I would like to give.
receivers including organizations (including for-profit businesses) and
communities as well as individuals.”